学术报告讲座通知 2012-3-2
题 目:Lattice Boltzmann Modeling for Fluid Transport Phenomena
报告人:Shi Yong,Ph. D
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
地 点:教四楼C区211报告厅
时 间:3月6日(周二)9:00~11:00
Over the last three decades, we witnessed a rapid growth of the lattice Boltzmann method as an effective kinetic-based numerical approach for modeling fluid transport phenomena. Many advances are achieved in the lattice Boltzmann simulation of multiphase flows, flows in porous media, turbulence and so on. In this talk, I would like to introduce my research efforts on development of the lattice Boltzmann theory for micro- and nanoscale gas flows, electrokinetic flows as well as oscillatory Stokes flows. Discussion is also extended to hybrid modeling using the lattice Boltzmann method coupled with conventional Navier-Stokes equation-based numerical approaches, and molecular dynamics simulation of nanoscale bio-macromolecule suspension flows.
Dr. Yong Shi obtained his B.S. degree (1999) in Thermal and Power Engineering and M. S. degree (2002) in Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics both at the Xi'an Jiaotong University, and his Ph.D. degree (2006) in Mechanical Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In recent years,he performs his research in Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Melbourn,and Earth and Environmental Sciences Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Dr Shi's research interests are in the broad area of fluid transport phenomena, energy conversion and storage, computational modeling, microtechnology and nanoscience. Currently, he is particularly interested in theory and numerical modeling of fluid transport coupled with other multiple physicochemical processes in complex multiscale structures, and its applications in the field of energy, environmental and micro- and nanoscience. He is a member of ASME as well as APS, and an invited member of ANS.