学术报告讲座通知 2015-04-09
题目:Solar Fuels Via Engineering Innovation at the Centre for Innovation in Carbon Capture and Storage (CICCS)
报告人:Dr. Oluwafunmilola Ola
英国赫瑞瓦特大学(Heriot-Watt University)
报告人:Dr. Oluwafunmilola Ola
Funmi Ola joined the Centre for Innovation in Carbon Capture and Storage at the Heriot-Watt University as Research Associate in CO2 conversion and solar fuels. She is currently working on an EPSRC funded programme to engineer novel photoreactors that can achieve efficient hydrocarbon conversion and separation from CO2 for solar fuel production. Prior to this, she obtained MSc (with distinction) in Environmental Engineering at the University of Nottingham in 2010 and PhD in Chemical Engineering at Heriot-Watt University. Her work has resulted in the publication of refereed journal papers and conference proceedings as well as travel awards and prizes such as the RSC Solar Fuels Symposium Best Poster Prize, UKERC 3rd Place Poster Award and Engineering Research Showcase Highest Merit for Poster Presentation Award. Her research interests include development and modelling of photoreactors and functional nanomaterials through material design and reactor engineering for sustainable energy applications.