学术报告讲座通知 2010-07-22
题 目:Nanomaterials in Energy and Carbon Capture Applications
报告人:WEN Dongsheng, DPhil (Oxford)
Reader, Queen Mary, University of London
地 点:教四楼C区211报告厅
时 间:7月23日(周五)9:30~12:00
BSc, MEng, DPhil (Oxford), FIoN, CEng, CSci, MEI
Reader in Nanotechnology and Energy Engineering
School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary, University of London
2000 - 2003, DPhil in Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK
1997 - 2000, M.Eng in Thermophysics , Tsinghua University, China
1993 -1997, B.Sc in Aeronautics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
2006 – present: Lecturer, Senior Lecture and Reader, School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary,University of London, E1 4NS
2003-2005: Research Fellow, Institute of Particle Science and Technology, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT.
My research is focused at the interface of nanotechnology and energy science, i.e. engineering and utilizingunique properties of nanomaterials to enhance energy conversion and transportation processes. It appliesclassical thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and combustion concepts cross the boundaries ofnanotechnology, materials, chemistry, physics, medics and engineering. More specifically, my researchincludes:
? Nanofluids technology: engineering stable suspensions of nanoparticles (colloids in general) for enhanced heat transfer applications.
? Nanofuel technology: investigating the oxidation, ignition and combustion of nanoparticles and their energy applications:
? Phase change technology: including flow boiling in microgeometries, heat pipe technology,cryogenic flow and heat transfer, and phase change materials for energy storage.
? Multiscale modelling: from molecular dynamics (MD) to continuity modelling including MD for single droplets evaporation and interactions of two and multiple nanoparticles, and two fluids modelling for engineering problems.
? Nanoscale energy conversion and transport: fundamental understanding of the process through experiments and modelling.
? Renewable energy and fuels: including hydrogen, liquid nitrogen, biofuels and other potential fuels. I am currently leading a team of ~10 researchers working at the interface of nanomaterials and energy engineering. My strong interest in cutting-edge research has resulted in ~100 technical publications of which ~ 60 were referred journal publications, and established me as a leading expert in using nanomaterials for energy applications (nanofluids, nanofuels etc). This has been evidenced by
? Editorial board of <International Journal of Nanoparticles> and <International Journal of
Nanomanufacturing>, guest editor of <Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology ><
Progress in Natural Science >
? Editor-in-chief of a new book, Nanomaterials for clean energy applications, to be published by Springer, 2010.
? Invited session Chair of nanofluids in ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer Conference in 2008, invited keynote lecture at the ECI conference, Nanofluids: Fundamentals and Applications 2007 and invited participation of International Nanofluid Properties Benchmark Exercise (INPBE) coordinated by MIT.
? International advisor of a 1-million dollar nanofluid project (led by Prof. Gherhardt Ribatski of Universidade de S?o Paulo and funded by CAPES, Brazil). Invited visit and lecturing in 2010
? Over 600 citations in my nano-related paper since 2005.
Membership of professional societies
o Fellow of the Institute of Nanotechnology (FIoN), since 2007
o Member of the Energy Institute (MEI) , since 2007
o Chartered Engineer (CEng), Chartered Energy Engineer (CEEng), since 2007
o Chartered Scientist (CSci), since 2007
o Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineer (MSPE) , since 2008
o Member of the Steering Committee of Society of Chemical Industry (SCI) –China, since 2008
o Chairman of the Chinese Society of Chemical Science and Technology-UK (CSCST), 2006-08
Invited keynote lectures at major conferences
o MINATEC CROSSROADS, Grenoble, France 2010
o 13th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering Conference, 2010
o 2o Encontro Rhone-Alpes-Brasil Conference, Sao Carlos, Brazil , 2009
o 2nd UK-China Particle Technology Forum, 2009
o Nanofluids: Fundamentals and Applications (Engineering Conference International series), USA, 2007
o 6th International Symposium on Heat Transfer, Beijing, 2004
Conference chairs, organizing committee member
o Executive committee of 2nd and 3rdUK-China Particle technology forum, 2009, 2010
o Organization committee of 11th UK Heat Transfer Conference, 2009
o Co-Chair of 2nd UK-China Clean Energy Forum, 2009
o Session Chair on the Nanofluids session of the ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat Transfer Int. Conf. 2008
o Chair of the Guizhou-UK Clean Energy Forum, Guizhou China, 2007
o Co-Chair of 13th CSCST-SCI joint conference, Manchester, 2007
Co-Chair of 12th CSCST-SCI joint conference, Nottingham, 2006
o Reviewer of UK EPSRC proposal application and Chile Government funding application
o Director of CSCST-Guizhou Clean Energy Centre.
o Guest professor of Guizhou University, China.
o Honorary professor of North China Electric Power University
o Visiting professor of China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China